Testimonials and Results from  Fashion Brands

Valentina Micchetti, Co-founder of Alevi Milano.

"I ended up talking to Brandon and Erwin and they started helping us with all the marketing online..They understood the target, the customer profile so I've been very happy about our collaboration.. 

We manage to overcome these crazy times and we are happy and looking forward to seeing whats in stored of the future."

14+ Fashion Brands That Trust Us

And More...

Annie Costin, Founder of Legoe Heritage

"The team at Digiceptual have been amazing and really lovely to work with. Having weekly meetings to keep content fresh has been awesome and shown great results. Thank you Erwin and Brandon!”

$14,925.19 Spent,
$154,658.54 Return at a
10.36 ROAS from April 17th
2023 to May 16th, 2023

Jessica Wise, CEO of Hell Babes and The Litas

"I was a little bit nervous going into it just because I have never done anything like this before but they did a great job with my ad creative, incredibly informative…and I started seeing revenue from ads immediately, which was awesome.”

$50,599.95 Spent,
$251,797.36 Return at a 4.98
ROAS from April 17th to May
16th, 2023

Georgia Thompson, CEO of Evarae.

"I'd previously had a lot of bad advise about the direction to go in and I was scared to get started again with ads for my e-commerce businesses, I had been putting it off for ages. 

Erwin and Brandon made it really easy to understand and more approachable for me, his help has removed my fears and I have really enjoyed learning how it works. 

It's been very rewarding and exciting to
see orders come in. I really cant thank them enough and highly recommend their advise and expertise. They really know what they are talking about"

$74,433.08 Spent,
$435,049.59 Return at a 5.84
ROAS from April 18th to May
17th 2023

Daniella Shevel, CEO of Daniella Shevel.

"In all honesty, since day 1 I have not looked back. Our roas within even the first two weeks doubled and has continued to increase..

If you're looking or considering more opportunities to be had I would highly recommend taking a call with Digiceptual. You'll learn very quickly these guys truly know what they are doing."

$85,253.40 Spent,
$259,963.07 Return at a 3.05
ROAS from April 17th to May
16th 2023

Krystle, Founder of K.Lo Apparel

“I was really eager but hesistant because I have had so much failure in the past when it came to agencies. After signing on, they have really exceeded my expectations.

They have not only helped me scaled..They are constantly on the trends..They really helped me adapt a strategy for my specific brand and my specific niche.

Hopping on a call with them was probably one of the best things I could have ever done for my business."

$36,308.63 Spent,
$595.238.15 Return at a
16.39 ROAS From April 17th
to May 16th, 2023

Luis, CEO of Banda Bags.

"I can say that they make an amazing job. Thanks to them we increased our conversions so much more and they always give us amazing advice so I really recommend them."

Mike Hodgen - Co-founder of Freedom Rave Wear

"The main challenge we had was just being burned by ad agencies in the past. I had been promised the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything in between.

Erwin and Brandon established a return on ad spend that could help us maintain a profitable business while allowing them the flexibility to test many ad sets and creatives and ultimately now the business is growing and doing so very very quickly."

From June 1st 2022, to June 30th 2022

$12,519.93 Spent, $110,967 Return at a 8.86 ROAS

Jake Chambers - Founder of Pupsentials

"We were doing 30-40k a month organic with no
paid ads. We started working with Brandon and
Erwin and a month/two months later we were doing 100k a month, and we're on our way to doing over200k with 3 more store coming...I couldn't haveasked for a better agency"

Justin Weems - CEO of Feel so Good(Formerly Fine Southern Gentlemen)

"Within the first week of signing on our sales have
already tripled. We're only a couple months down
the line now and we are quadrupling and sometimes hitting 5x of what we were before.. We've had to hire about 10 more people in
our fulfillment department just to keep up with the

$182,885.30 Spent, $1,176,996.83 Return at a 6.44 ROAS from March 12th 2022 to March 12th 2023 

Gibby - Co-founder of Free

"We run a ton of Facebook and Instagram ads,
and Digiceptual been the only ones thats been able to hit our ROAS target. Giving the evolving landscape, IOS 14, all the challenges with running ads, you really want to make sure you partner with folks that understand your business and that you can trust, and Erwin and Brandon have been great"

Danielle and Nick -  Founders of Tails Up Pup

"We interviewed a lot of firms but we ultimately landed on working with Brandon and Erwin because they were very personable and seemed like they had the experience to grow our ads profitably and systemically...

which if I'm being honest was a big problem we were facing before. Some ads we ran on our own would do really well but a lot didn't and we couldn't never predict and scale the system.

Fortunately Brandon and Erwin solved that problem for us and we have had profitable ads running pretty much the very beginning working with them. Our revenue has doubled since we decided to work with them and we couldn't recommend working with them enough."

Jeff - Co Founder of Pladra

"They're incredibly strategic in how they go about
placing ads. - know they have my best interest at
heart. One of the most amazing things about them is that we ask for their advice, and a lot of times they tell us we dont need to go this route or spend this much. 

Where other agencies always blame it on not
spending enough, or you need to put stuff on
sale...! think just their honesty, integrity, and
performance has really done it for us and - couldn't be more pleased"

Sean Kelly - Founder of Jersey Champs

"Prior to Digiceptual, I used multiple agencies with
no success. They weren't able to run profitable
Facebook and Google campaigns. Luckily now that
I have Erwin and Brandon we're killing it."

Jason Hoeung - Founder of 2EROS and SupaWear

"The main difference with you guys is the
rapport. Knowing that you care about our business as much as we do. That you guys put in the effort to research the market to give us valuable information not just for the advertising side but to improve the whole business."

Criss - Founder of Criss Bellini

"1 had issues with getting high ROAS(return on ad
spend and they really help me to gain more
success. They don't just use FB, they use
snapchat, pinterest, google etc. I really recommend these guys, their results are crazy so contact them if you want to sell...a lot."

$211,928.58 Spent, $1,383,514.31 Return at 6.53 ROAS from Jan 1st - Dec 31st 2022

From April 1st 2022, to June 30th 2022

$41,618.64 Spent, $443,574.37 Return at a 10.66 ROAS

From May 1st, 2022- May 31st, 2022

$14,001.35 Spent, $145,047.90 Return at 10.36 ROAS

This female fashion brand had been doing very well organically and utilizing influencer marketing but they were unable to make ads work.

To overcome this, we ran split-tests on a variety of variables to establish hypothesis among organic sales. With these hypothesis ready, we knew exactly how to recreate them with paid traffic.

This strategy allowed us to hone in on the ideal mix of variables that would help us achieve the results we were after.

Meet The Founders

Erwin Keijzer - CMO

Brandon See - CEO

Our Background and Story

My name is Brandon See and I grew up in the fashion capital of NYC. I co-founded a fashion brand with Erwin Keijzer 4 years ago.

One of the biggest issues we faced was scaling the brand online. 

We brought in ad agencies and tried in house employees, but most of it never lasted long term and costs a lot of money. Most of them didn't understand female fashion.

We decided to double down and figure out how to scale sustainably long term. 

We tested different ad strategies, creatives, copy, targeting, you name it, until we “cracked the code” on a strategy that worked.

It scale us past 3+ million annual sales mark while being able to keep our costs low.

 Then eventually we sold the brand.

Other founders started asking us what we did, and how we did it.

So now we help other female fashion founders grow past 3 million+ efficiently with our strategies.

For What It Matters, I've Been Featured in Many Publications.


Do you guys mainly work with Facebook, Instagram ads? Are there any other marketing channels you guys use? What about TikTok? 
The foundation is Facebook and Instagram. This will be your biggest growth channel.

As you grow we'll add on Google, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tik tok depending on where your audience is.
Do you guys only do ads?
The fastest and most efficient way to hit 2-3 million plus is ads. That's what made our brand and the brands we work with successful.

But also part of our expertise is optimizing an online store to sell.
Do you handle creatives completely? Or do you take an input from the brand on the direction they would like to go with the creative part of it?
We will use the creatives you already have now to generate sales immediately while aligning with
your brand image and direction. 

As we go, we will actively give you feedback and examples on what creatives work so you can model it.
Who's mainly running the ads?
Our CMO Erwin, who's been my partner since we started our fashion brand.

He is the head media buyer and oversees all ads. No one is contracted.
 I'll have access to all the data and the numbers and all the stuff in the ad manager? 
Yes, the data belongs to you. We don't keep any of it. We run everything under your account. Not ours.
If my brand sells to females, do you guys feel like you put together ads well as far as like the branding and like the vibe? As two men, do you feel like you can tap into that or? 
We grew and sold a successful female fashion brand ourselves, and have been scaling other female fashion brands for over 4 years.

Skill, Experience, and Market Expertise is What Matters
Did the IOS update impact you a lot?
It did make an impact in 2021, that’s when we got tracking softwares to accurately track everything. In 2022 and now 2023, it’s not that big of an issue anymore.

If you have good branding and strategy, you will still do well. 

Is there a certain category of clothing brands you work with more?
Dresses are a big one, but we work with all the categories. 

How much time do you devote to an individual brand at a time?
As much time as it needs every day to get things going. So every day, we’re in the account and on the calls every week or every biweekly, we show exactly what we're doing, go over the results and what the next steps will be.

What’s your largest fashion and clothing brand's annual revenue?
As of now, over 11 million a year.

How do you guys deal with seasonality?
We adjust the ads based on your seasonal trends, but also work with you to create a product strategy to counteract seasonality so your revenue doesn’t dip.
How much of a percentage of my revenue should I spend on ads? Is there a ratio I should stick with?
The only thing that matters is if you are profitable from ads, and that’s determined by your profit margin. 

As long as you are profitable, meaning above your breakeven ROAS, you can spend as much as you want.

If you know you put $1 in a machine and it gives you $4, you would keep doing it. 

Do you find that a lot of your clients have moved away from Instagram because it has become less popular now that TikTok is taking all the attention? 
Tik tok does work, but Instagram(Meta) will always be the top one, especially for fashion. Tik Tok has only existed for around 2+ years, Meta has been around for over a decade. Tik Tok mainly got big because of hype. Meta is still the top.

Do you have any other brands that are in formal wear in the US?

Who is the brand you've been with the longest and how many years have you been with them? 
Brands stay with us for over 2 years and many of them are still with us since day 1. The brand that stayed with us the longest is under NDA.

Where do you see E-commerce going in the next year with everything going on? 
E-commerce will continue to grow as things continually move online. Yes it may fluctuate with global market conditions, but it’s one of the biggest growing markets and won’t be stopping anytime soon.

Do you have brands that have brick and mortar and you're trying to get them into the store? 
Yes we do. We have strategies for that.

 Do you help us with maximizing different goals that we have as far as Black Friday, and like product launches and stuff?
Yes. For holidays, giveaways, new launches etc. We'll come together and strategize to get the best result.

At this point we know the seasons, holidays, and what to do at each time in the year.
 How hands on are you guys? You like go in and tweak the ads on a daily basis? 
We are very hands on. Everyday we monitor the progress and check if something needs to be tweaked.
 What sort of ad spend do you think I would need to start? What's the return like? 
On average we would start with $100 a day for the first week if you're barely running anything.

Specific returns will depend on your numbers like profit margin, COGS etc. but you'll see a positive return within the first two weeks.

We increase spend by 20% as long as it's profitable.
How often do you meet with clients?
Either weekly or bi-weekly. We'll also be in direct contact on Slack or text/whatsapp.

You can message us for any questions or important topics and we'll answer the same day or day after.

We actively give you feedback and share ideas with you.
Is there still a way that we can be involved in that process and kind of start to see and understand what's going on and how it's working? 
During our meetings we go over in detail exactly what is happening so you understand the process.

We give you feedback on what we're doing next, what creatives are working best, where the budget is going
etc. Full Transparency
Where are you guys located?
We are a remote team. As of right now Brandon(CEO) travels between New York and Europe. Erwin(CMO) is in the Netherlands.
How long have you guys been doing this?
We've had a successful track record for over 4 years now in female fashion. We're previous brand owners so we know what you go through day to day.
If I decided to dive in on this what do we do? What is the standard process in terms of next steps?
You will go through our automated onboarding process(no charge) which will give us everything we need like creatives and access to your ad managers. This takes no longer than an hour.

Then we will have an onboarding call to answer any last minute questions, make sure we have everything in place.

Then ads will be live in less than 3 days.
How does the pricing model work? How clients usually pay you guys?
Everything is on performance. No upfront fees. With a Profit Guarantee
Do you guys specialized in a specific Country/Market?
Our Main Speciality is the US, AUS, UK, and EU. US is our top one.
How many brands do you guys work with right now?

As of now, about 22.
How big your team?

As of now, 3 including me
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We don’t believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information,  or strategies. We don’t know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We’re here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings – all numbers are illustrative only.

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